Acer 5742G Bios(1.30)修改



从网上随便搜索了一下,看到了几篇文章中有提到修改bios主程序的相关内容。但是基本都没有脱离insyde EzH2O这个东西,很不幸的是这个东西在我的笔记本上没法加载bios文件,搜索了下据说是无法加载2m以上的文件,这个就没办法了。我现在修改的那个文件有4m。只好另寻他法。 下载python工具包,执行python PEW71130.fd

解压完成之后可以在data目录下找到SetupUtility-mine.pe文件,直接载入ida64进行分析,定位到如下的地址(这个文件对应的是acer 5742g  1.30 版的bios,其他版本地址可能不太一致)


text:000000018000122C                 mov     rax, cs:qword_180084B38

.text:0000000180001233                 movzx   eax, byte ptr [rax+49h]

.text:0000000180001237                 cmp     eax, 0Ah

.text:000000018000123A                 jge     loc_1800012F0

.text:0000000180001240                 mov     rax, [rsp+68h]

.text:0000000180001245                 movzx   eax, word ptr [rax+12h]

.text:0000000180001249                 cmp     eax, 67h

.text:000000018000124C                 jz      loc_1800012F0

.text:0000000180001252                 mov     rax, [rsp+68h]

.text:0000000180001257                 movzx   eax, word ptr [rax+12h]

.text:000000018000125B                 cmp     eax, 283h

.text:0000000180001260                 jz      loc_1800012F0

.text:0000000180001266                 mov     rax, [rsp+68h]

修改方法也比较简单,直接把三个连续的jz      loc_1800012F0跳转nop掉即可,这里没有办法用ida修改,可以用winhex或者其他的工具找到对应的地址进行修改。


现在主要目标已经达成了,但是需要将修改之后的程序重新封装到fd文件中,用c32asm或者winhex打开PEW71130.fd,搜索lzma文件头5D 00 80 00,找到压缩数据的文件头。





现在进行最后一步,将bios2.lzma 的数据覆盖到PEW71130.fd 文件的281068-38a1ff区域中,需要说明的是这个东西在修改之后压缩大小为989k,少了1k的数据。


















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    1. 公主 Queen 
      Opera IBIS 12 Opera IBIS 12 Windows XP Windows XP cn福建省厦门市 电信


    1. 公主 Queen 
      Opera IBIS 12 Opera IBIS 12 Windows 7 Windows 7 cn福建省厦门市思明区 电信

      well ,i have not do any more research ,but i will have a try.

  1. Level 1
    Firefox 20 Firefox 20 Windows 7 Windows 7 de德国


    first i have to thank you for unlocking my bios on my acer 5742g. After hours of searching i found your modded file and after reading the reviews i decided to flash it to my bios. It works great!

    But the reason i installed it, was that i hoped to control the fan because my acer has like many of those others overheating problems. Off course there is no option to control the fan, so i believe the last option is to compile it in the installer.

    I have no problems if my fan would be everytime on 100%, but a stepped fan would be great! Im no programmer so i cant help myself, but after testing your file i trust you and i hope you can help me and many others.

    If you want, i can donate u with paypal. It would be very nice if you could release a modded 1.30 with fan control or modded fan steppings! I would pay for it.

    Greetings from Germany

    1. 公主 Queen 
      Opera 12 Opera 12 Windows 8 Windows 8 cn福建省厦门市 电信

      I am wondering if I will continue the reverse of acer bios . In this post i didnt do much research of the bios file . there has been a release low version of acer bios on this url : . Since I now mostly use my MSI GE70,now the acer is just a backup option , so i do not spent much time on the acer laptop.But if i have time i will have a further research .Thx for the donate, I just reverse the program for fun, so I release everything for free. If ur laptop overheating ,u can first try to clean up the cpu fan tunnel for a better wind cool effect.

  2. Level 1
    Firefox 20 Firefox 20 Windows 7 Windows 7 de德国

    Yes i tried so much. But me and many others in Acerforums are looking for a modified bios, with priority point on the fan control. If this isnt possible, the fan could run on 100% all the time, i have no problems with noise. But it would be better if the fan would step until 100%! He is now to lame because of to low rpms and cant cool the laptop enough.

    You would help me and many others! A fast work would be really nice from you and i would donate you beacause i need the fan control fast!

    1. 公主 Queen 
      Opera 12 Opera 12 Windows 8 Windows 8 cn福建省厦门市 电信

      I am sorry ,but I can not say when I will finish the job. sorry for that.

      1. Level 1
        Firefox 20 Firefox 20 Windows 7 Windows 7 de德国

        No problem. I will wait and visit your site from times to times or would you send me a email? I like the thought that an asians hacker writes my new bios 😉 Youre great, dude!

        1. 公主 Queen 
          Opera 12 Opera 12 Windows 8 Windows 8 cn福建省厦门市 电信

          U do not have to visit my blog all the time ,once I done the job I would like to send u the files via the email address with ur nick name. Also u can contact me with the email root(at)

          1. Level 1
            Firefox 20 Firefox 20 Windows 7 Windows 7 de德国

            Hey dude did u try the job?
            I need the .exe and are really exited waiting until your release 😉
            And i dont know how to thank you for this.

            1. 公主 Queen 
              Opera 12 Opera 12 Windows 8 Windows 8 cn福建省厦门市思明区 电信

              Sorry for that ,I am changing my job now days, and is so busy that to have time to reverse the file again. In the next half month I have to move to a new city and start a fresh live. I am afraid that until July i will barely have no time to do it.

  3. Level 1
    Firefox 21 Firefox 21 Windows 7 Windows 7 de德国

    Hey Dude,

    it would be nice to hear from you soon. smile
    Did you solve the problem with the fan?
    If you have any other questions ill try to help u out!

    Greetings from Germany

    1. 公主 Queen 
      Opera 12 Opera 12 Windows 7 Windows 7 cn山东省青岛市 联通

      Glad to hear from u ,but so sorry to say that ,I have not have another try to fix the problem. Live in Fucking China is really tough , now I have been back in Shandong ,but still live in a small hotel. and have no pleasure to do any research .

      Just fucking the shit China.

      Wish u have a nice day.

      From Shandong China

  4. Level 1
    Firefox 22 Firefox 22 Windows 7 Windows 7 de德国

    Im so sorry to hurry you up, but my Acer 5742G is over 100° Celcius hot this summer time… i need you to fix my fan speed…you will help me and many others! Please help me i will to pay you for you work!
    Nobody on this world can to this except you…. thats my intention when i look in many threads.

    Greetings from …Germany!

    1. 公主 Queen 
      Opera 12 Opera 12 Windows 7 Windows 7 cn山东省济宁市 移动

      I think u should clean the cpu fan by open the laptop, this will help u to cool the cpu much better, or just use a laptop cooler to get much more wind. I am sorry for have u wait for a long time.

      1. Level 1
        Opera 24 Opera 24 LG LG es西班牙

        hello as I have seen on the internet that would serve the same bios for packard bell tk85?, another question, to start the installation just run the file as an administrator InsydeFlash.exe, that is inside the Winflash folder already?, I hope to answer, thank you.

        1. 公主 Queen 
          Firefox 49 Firefox 49 Mac OS X 10.12 Mac OS X 10.12 cn山东省临沂市 联通

          InsydeFlash.exe is the offical acer bois flash tool,you may get that from the acer offical web site.

          1. Level 1
            Opera 24 Opera 24 LG LG es西班牙

            Hello, I have read that the software to unlock the acer aspire 5842G bios, it is compatible with the packard bell tk85 ?, is it true ?, and that there is a winflash folder file to run to install this software on the laptop?, I hope to answer, Thank you.

          2. Level 1
            Opera 24 Opera 24 LG LG es西班牙

            Hello, I have read that the software to unlock the acer aspire 5742G bios, it is compatible with the packard bell tk85 ?, is it true ?, and that there is a winflash folder file to run to install this software on the laptop?, I hope to answer, Thank you.

            1. 公主 Queen 
              Firefox 49 Firefox 49 Mac OS X 10.12 Mac OS X 10.12 cn山东省临沂市 联通

              The bois bin is unique for different laptop,so you’d better not do that.
              U have to find your laptop version bios.
              flash this version possibly mey break down your laptop.

  5. Level 1
    Firefox 62 Firefox 62 Windows 7 Windows 7 de德国

    what’s the difference between “” from 2013
    and “ACER5742G_130_MoreOptionsMorePages_UEFIBOOT.rar” from 2016?
    And i wanted to say that the memory frequency option not work.
    I can set i to 800MHz or to 1333MHz but the memory is still running on 1066MHz.
    Can you do something?
    Thank you!


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