QQ international v1.1 today Remover

QQ international v1.1 has been released for several days,till now i release my first patch .In now days i am too busy to do my personal jobs,so it takes  so a long time.

What worse is that i just catch a cold when i visit Gulangyu.so bad luky.

lol, just click here to download the patch ,and then place the file in “QQIntl\Bin” directory.Finally u can run the program and click the patch button to patch the selfcheck function.

Also u can delete any plugins u dislike. After i Remove the Com.Tencent.CityWeekend, it looks much better!lol

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话说Linux QQ竟然升级了

今天下午又没出去啊,郁闷。临时有事又出不去了,nngx。从cb上乱逛看到Linux QQ居然升级了,太神奇了。下载下来解压之后发现主版本号是一样的,只是编译号码不一样了。用了一下发现好友竟然能全部刷出来了,难道是人品?


QQ International V1.0(1910) Today Remover [new]

I dislike the patcher generatered by the CodeFusion,so I created this one ,and till now it works fine.click here to download the patch file (better place that file in to the qq installed directory(C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQIntl\Bin as default) and execute the patch).and then u can delete any plugins u want.

Any Problems ,leave a message here,thx. laugh

Ps: Do u know who’s the girl on the patch window?

QQ International V1.0(1910) Today Remover [Bug Fixed]

This is just a QQ International Today Remover,what it dose is just as the name saying,remove the today nag windows.I just cracked the plugin self check functions.so that u can add or delete plugins as u wish(if u dislike the plugins tencent forced u to use, u can just delete it.).Click here to download the patch file (window xp only, if u are using windows 7,just read the bellow contents.thx )[there is something wrong in the patch file ,so i delete the download link.],and just place it into the QQ installed directory(the default directory is C:\Program Files\Tencent\QQIntl), run the program and click patch to remove the today popup window.lol.

if u find any problems or bugs just leave a message here,i will have a try to solve the problem.lol.


if u don’t have QQ  International installed just click here to get one.

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